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Jacques Louis David - Artworks Stickers

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Розробник: Francois Bulteau
0.99 USD

More than 70 stickers of Jacques Louis David - Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- Portrait of Francois Buron
- Portrait of Marie Francoise Buron
- The Combat of Mars and Minerva
- View of the Tiber and Castel St. Angelo
- Minerva
- Male Nude known as Hector
- The Funeral of Patroclus
- St. Roch Praying to the Virgin for an End to the Plague
- Belisarius Begging for Alms
- Equestrian Portrait of Stanislas Kostka Potocki
- Christ on the Cross
- Portrait of Jacques Francois Desmaisons
- The Grief of Andromache
- Portrait of Alphonse Leroy
- The Pain of Andromache
- Portrait of Charles-Pierre Pecoul
- Portrait of Madame Charles-Pierre Pecoul, nee Potain, mother-in-law of the artist
- Lictors Bearing to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons
- Brutus
- Portrait of Anne Marie Louise Thélusson, Countess of Sorcy
- Robertine Tourteau, Marquise dOrvilliers
- Self Portrait
- The Oath in the Tennis Court
- The Tennis Court Oath, 20th June 1789
- View of the interior of the tennis court
- Allegory of the French People Offering the Crown and Sceptre to the King
- Louis XVI Showing the Constitution to his Son, the Dauphin
- Portrait of Madame Adelaide Pastoret
- Portrait of Madame Charles-Louis Trudaine
- Caricature of the English Government
- Head of Marat
- View of the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris
- Woman in a Turban
- Gaspard Meyer or The Man in the Red Waistcoat
- Jacobus Blauw
- Madame Pierre Seriziat (nee Emilie Pecoul) with her Son, Emile
- Portrait of Jeanbon Saint André
- Portrait of Pierre Seriziat the artists brother-in-law
- Bonaparte
- Unfinished portrait of General Bonaparte
- Portrait of Madame Raymond de Verninac
- The Sabine Women
- Madame Recamier
- Napoleon Crossing the Alps at the St Bernard Pass, 20th May 1800
- Portrait of Mr. Cooper Penrose
- Portrait of Suzanne Le Pelletier de Saint Fargeau
- Napoleon Holding Josephines Crown
- Nude study of Pope Pius VII
- Portrait of Pope Pius VII
- The Empress Josephine Kneeling with Mme de la Rochefoucauld and Mme de la Valett
- The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of the Empress Josephine by Pope Pius VII, 2nd December 1804
- Study for the Distribution of the Eagle Standards
- Sappho and Phaon
- Portrait of Countess Daru
- Napoleon Bonaparte in his Study at the Tuileries
- Portrait of Marguerite Charlotte David
- Leonidas at Thermopylae
- Portrait of the Countess Vilain XIIII and Her Daughter
- Cupid and Psyche
- Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes
- The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis
- The Anger of Achilles
- The Sisters Zenaide and Charlotte-Bonaparte
- Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces
- A Vestal Virgin Crowned With Flowers
- Etienne Maurice Gerard
- Jacques Louis David In his workshop